Home Notifications How to send an image via Email in EnlitePOS

How to send an image via Email in EnlitePOS

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024
  • Upload the image on a public website. We can upload it to our image library if you need help.

Here's an image that we want to send via email as an example:

A - Copy the URL of the image

Here's an example of a URL


B - From the customer's folder or through the Notifications at the front office, click Email

C - In the body of your message, enter the code .

This code needs to be used exactly as it is.

D - Insert the image's public URL between the quotation marks:

You can enter some texts before or after the image.

E - Click Send. The message that the customer will receive will look like this:

Important: this only works for EMAIL and not SMS

  1. You can test it from Customer info, sending an individual message to your own email address..