Home Printing Printed Documents and Customizations

Printed Documents and Customizations

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Watch the video on YouTube with timestamps in the Description for easier navigation.

Print Sample - Quick Ticket

Items Options
UID Show/Hide
Store Name Show/Hide
Store Address Show/Hide
Store Hours Show/Hide
Store Phone Number Show/Hide
Store Email Show/Hide
Disclaimer Show/Hide
Customer Address Show/Hide
Barcode Show/Hide
Employee Name Initials/Full Name
Number of Copies Number can be specified
Drop/Due Date 24-Hour/12-Hour Format

Print Samples - Customer Receipt

Items Options
LogoImage Show/Hide
UID Show/Hide
Store Name Show/Hide
Store Address Show/Hide
Store Hours Show/Hide
Store Phone Number Show/Hide
Store Email Show/Hide
Disclaimer Show/Hide
Customer Address Show/Hide
Barcode Show/Hide
Employee Name Initials/Full Name
Number of Copies Number can be specified
Emailed to Customers Yes/No
Tax Show/Hide Renamed
Eco tax Show/Hide Renamed
Drop/Due Date 24-Hour/12-Hour Format

Print Samples - Invoice/Shop Ticket

Items Options
Print Enabl/Disable
UID Show/Hide
Store Name Show/Hide
Store Address Show/Hide
Store Hours Show/Hide
Store Phone Number Show/Hide
Store Email Show/Hide
Disclaimer Show/Hide
Customer Address Show/Hide
Barcode Show/Hide
Employee Name Initials/Full Name
Number of Copies Number can be specified
Tax Show/Hide Renamed
Eco tax Show/Hide Renamed
Drop/Due Date 24-Hour/12-Hour Format

Print Samples - Name tags

Items Options

Print Samples - Payment Receipt

Items Options
LogoImage Show/Hide
UID Show/Hide
Store Name Show/Hide
Store Address Show/Hide
Store Hours Show/Hide
Store Phone Number Show/Hide
Store Email Show/Hide
Disclaimer Show/Hide
Employee Name Initials/Full Name
Number of Copies Number can be specified

Print Samples - Tags

Items Options
Print Enable/Disable
Format Wide/Narrow
Date Drop Date or Due Date

To view the document referenced in the video regarding the customizations available for the documents please use this link (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y9GdDL7MVA46Y_a2ozQzMj58RNLRWFAluAlDvjuzjlw/edit?usp=sharing)