Home Reports Ten of Our Most Commonly Used Reports

Ten of Our Most Commonly Used Reports

Last updated on Sep 21, 2024

Here are the most common reports used by the customer

1. Customer - Last Ticket Date by Period

  • This report will show the LAST ticket that was created in the system, the customer account creation date and the customer information. It will also show if they are a BILLING or CHARGE customer.

2. Ticket - Unmarked Ticket List

  • This report will allow you to see all invoices with OPEN, MIXED, ONLY PICKUP and ONLY PAIDstatus**.** It will also show the ticket information, including the source from which they were created (mobile app or Enlite), ticket number, drop/due date, customer name, phone number, pcs and the employee who handled the ticket.

3. Invoice - Tailoring Invoices

  • This report will show the invoices that have a tailoring job. Many cleaners use this report when they outsource this service, and have to keep count of the tailoring jobs and due amounts, in order to pay the tailors.

4. Payments - Daily Closing Report

  • This report will show the daily payment summary of each payment type. It will also show the garment pickup and garment dropped for each service service type along with the total payments. total pieces and amount due. This report summarized the period's activity. The 3 reports are not supposed to match the quantities or due amounts, they are just a picture of the 3 most important things during a full day of operations. The money that came in, the garments that were picked up after service and the garments that were dropped in order to be treated.

5. Payment - Payments by Sub Type Summary

  • In this report, you will find the total payments for each payment type (Cash, Check, Credit Card Manual) configured in the system, even for the different payment terminals (if that is the case).

6. Sales - Sales By Drop By Item (Garment Summary)

  • This report will show the sales per garment. It also includes the service type, category, name of the item, total of pieces received during that period, price, upcharges, taxes and discount.

7. Cashier Period Summary

  • This report has all the cashier details including the Period ID, the station used with the session, the start and end date, start and system cash. It will also show the payments using the different payment types (CC, Cash, Check, Bank Transfer) and the total cash.

8. Garments - Garments by Due Date w/Modifiers

  • This report will show the garments with modifiers in every invoice. It has also the customer name, barcode, tracker information, employee who used the tracker and the date when it was added to the tracker.

9. Invoices - Fees by Garment

  • This report will show the invoices that have fees added. It also includes other ticket information like the garment name, total fee, total due, drop date, employee who created the ticket and the customer name.

10. Customers - New Customers - Mobile or Portal

  • This report will show all the customers who registered in the app or in the portal. It will also show the date when they registered and their specific route.