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By Ava Oscuro
2 articles

Enlite Integration with Third Party Apps (Webhooks)

Enlite Webhook Configuration Enlite supports passing Invoice data to third party systems through webhooks. The webhook can be configured under Store Config -> System -> Hook (After Invoice Create): { "overwrite_path": "/integration/webhook/export", "method": "export", "schema": "enlite10", "target": "https://any/webhook/url" } You can manage this with platforms as Zapier (Premium) and Integromat (Free on basic plan). They will make the connection with other platforms as Quickbooks and Google Sheets. Next, we will show you the integration in both platforms with Google Sheets. Sample Zapier Configuration for Integration to Google Sheets Zapier is a universal platform for application integration, allowing you to take your data to other systems. Follow these steps to configure a Zapier account to integrate Enlite with other applications: 1. Create a Zapier account here: https://zapier.com/.. You need to be in a premium plan in order to connect with Webhooks. 2. Login and click "Make a Zap!" 3. Select "Webhooks by Zapier" 4. Select "Catch Hook" and then "Continue" 5. Copy your "Custom Webhook URL" and use to configure Enlite (above), then "Continue" 6. Using Enlite, go to "Reprint" -> Select an Invoice -> and click "Invoice Hook" 7. Select "Test & Review" (expand "Find Data" to see the sample Invoice that was sent from Enlite to Zapier) 8. Search for and select "Google Sheets" and select "Create Spreadsheet Row", then "Continue" 9. Select the "Enlite-Zapier Export Sample" sheet and map all the desired fields 10. Select "Test & Review" (verify that your test Invoice data has been added to the Google Sheet) 11. ## Name your Zap and turn it on! Sample Integromat Configuration for Integration to Google Sheets Integromat is a universal platform for application integration, allowing you to take your data to other systems. It allows you to create a free account for testing purposes. Follow these steps to configure a Zapier account to integrate Enlite with other applications: 1. Create an Integromat account here: https://www.integromat.com/.. You can start with the free plan in order to connect with Webhooks. 2. Once in, you need to create a new scenario: 3. Hit the "+" button and select "Webhooks". Hit the "Custom Webhooks" option. 4. Once the webhook widget is added, if you have no connections yet, hit "Add" 5. Name the new connection as you want and save it. 6. It will give you a link. You need to copy it and paste it in the config in Enlite: 7. Go back to Integromat, add another module and select Google Sheets(Or QuickBooks, or any other destination) 8. Select "Add a row" 9. Connect it with your Google account (If not registered, add it). Then select the spreadsheet and sheet that you will be connecting with. Hit Ok. 10. Hit "Run Once" 11. Go to Enlite and send an invoice. You can do it either from the Reprint section, Invoice Hook button, or just create a new invoice. 12. If the connection is successful, you should see a confirmation message in Integromat. 13. Select the Google Sheets module, and in the actions screen scroll down to Values. There, you will assemble all the information that Integromat sends to Google Sheet, in each column. Once it's ready, hit Ok. For example: 14. In the "Scheduling" button, you can decide the frequency of the synchronization. Please select an option. It has to be On. 15. Ready! Once you start creating new invoices, it will keep the records in the sheet:

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Payment Integration Procedure - When Token Transfer will never be made

Situation: The store switched payment providers from Cayan to Auth.net. The store decided NOT TO do the Token transfer. They will manually re-enter credit card details in the store's customer profiles. After setting up the gateway credentials, the store can charge a credit card in pickup and pay by clicking the auth.net payment option and manually enter the card details., ..BUT the store can NOT save credit cards. The alert is something like this: and there is an error in Dev Tools that somehow points to a 'token' Solution: When a customer changes a payment provider for its gateway and DOES NOT DO a token transfer, we (from the support team ) need to hit the Delete All Merchant Ids button before, on , or after setting up the gateway. This will, in effect, do the need to reset all the stored payment ids. When a store does the token transfer, the support team does not need to hit the 'Delete All Merchants Ids' button. The Dev Team will do it. Here's a note from our Dev Team Quote: The DELETE ALL button should be done during the token transfer The steps are like this... 1. Customer requests token transfer from losing processor 2. Customer receives new and old token list from gaining processor 3. Customer sends token list to Dark support 4. Dark support opens ticket with Dark dev to load new tokens 5. Dark dev loads new tokens and resets old tokens 6. Done! IMPORTANT: following these steps the DELETE ALL button is never used by anyone but dev when they load the new tokens.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024