Home Billing


By Ava Oscuro
6 articles

Applying Available Credit and Overpayments

From the Billing section, you are able to apply for Credit your customers have accumulated or issue them credit through overpayments. This guide will cover how to pay with available credit and how overpayments get added as credit for customers. If you are looking for a guide on how to apply for payments without an integrated payment processor, see this article: https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/batch-billing-non-integrated-payment-processor-payments. If you are looking for how to apply for credit card payments with an integrated payment processor, please see this article: https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/batch-billing-credit-card-payments-with-integrated-payment-processor 1. Overpayments and Credit In our example below, Mr. Octavious owes $29.40 (Pic 1.1). Let’s say he sends us a check for $129.40, an overpayment of $100.00. We apply the check in the system for the full amount (Pic 1.2). When an overpayment is applied, the system will automatically take the overpaid amount and apply as credit for the customer. Refer to the articles above if you are unsure how to apply for payments. The payment is applied and Mr. Octavious’ balance shows as $0.00 because he no longer owes us money (Pic 1.3). Let’s look at what happened to the $100.00 overpayment in the next step. Pic 1.1 Pic 1.2 Pic 1.3 2. Viewing the Credit The $100.00 overpayment credit can be viewed in 2 different places. The first is the Payment History section (Pic 2.1), which is used to view or void payments (https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/how-to-void-payments). Note that the overpayment can be voided like any other payment. The other section where the overpayment credit can be viewed is the Credit History section in the Customer’s Information (Pic 2.2). If you are unfamiliar with this section, please refer to its article (https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/issuing-store-credit). The Credit History tab will show the Deposit record, with the amount, date, and employee who created it. Pic 2.1 Pic 2.2 3. Applying Available Credit Individually There are 2 ways to apply available credit to invoices. In our example below, Mr. Octavious now owes us $200. The first step is to click the little blue payment box in his customer record (Pic 3.1). The modal that appears, shows us that Mr. Octavious has $100 in credit. To use these funds, we press the Apply button (Pic 3.2). After that, you can specify the amount of Credit that will be used. In this case we will be applying $50. Once that is entered press the Process Credit button (Pic 3.3). After processing the credit, the balances will recalculate and now Mr. Octavious only owes us $150 (Pic 3.4). Pic 3.1 Pic 3.2 Pic 3.3 Pic 3.4 4. Viewing the Payments The store credit payments can be viewed in both the Payment History (Pic 4.1) and the Credit History section (Pic 4.2). Note that the Credit payment can be voided, like any other payment. Pic 4.1 Pic 4.2 5. Applying Available Credit for a Group of Customers The second way to apply for credit as payment for invoices from the Billing section, allows you to do so for multiple customers at once. To do this, you just select the checkbox for the customers you need. We will continue with our example, and so, only Mr. Octavious is checked. Then press the Store Credit button, near the top of the screen (Pic 5.1). On the following modal, press the Apply Store Credit button (Pic 5.2). For the selected customers, this will apply all their available store credit, up to the amount they owe. So if a customer has $50 in credit, but owes a balance of $30, it will apply $30 worth of credit to pay off that balance. If like in our example, the customer has $50 in credit, with a balance greater than $50, it will apply the entire credit amount and the remaining balance will remain open. After the payments are applied, the balances are recalculated and the remaining $50 of Mr. Octavious’ original $100 credit has been applied to his $150 balance and now he only owes $100 and has no available credit remaining (Pic 5.3). You can view the payments in the same manner as illustrated in step 4. Pic 5.1 Pic 5.2 Pic 5.3

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Batch Billing Credit Card Payments with Integrated Payment Processor

Batch Billing allows you to bill multiple customers at one time. Generally, these are customers who are billed in regular periods that extend beyond a single visit, for example, weekly, or monthly. 1. The billing module provides several tools to manage the list of customers you want to bill. The numbered items explained below correspond to the numbers in the picture, indicating their position on the screen. 2. Filter: Search for any customer by their name, the list will dynamically change to show matching results as the search text is entered. 3. Term: Search for customers' payment terms, Net 10, Net 15, Net 30, etc. 4. Charge: Show customers who are charge only, in other words, customers whose credit cards you have stored. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the card is stored in Enlite. See the Adding Customers to Billing (https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/how-to-add-customers-to-billing) knowledge base article to find out how to designate a charge customer. 5. Route: Show only customers who are, or are not assigned to a route. See the Adding Customers to Routes (https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/adding-customers-to-routes-from-customer-profile) for how to do this. 6. Email: Show customers who prefer to receive their statements via email. See the Adding Customers to Billing (https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/how-to-add-customers-to-billing) knowledge base article to find out how to set this preference for a customer. 7. Zero: Show or hide customers with a 0 balance. 8. Cycle: Filter customers by cycle date, for example, show only customers billed on the 1st of the month. See the Adding Customers to Billing (https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/how-to-add-customers-to-billing) knowledge base article to find out how to set a customer’s cycle date. 9. Billing Period: Set the billing period that you will use to bill your customers. Note that by default, the period is always set to the previous month. Adjust the starting and ending dates to capture the invoices and charges that will be included in this billing period. You may set any period you like. 1. Set your billing period. This is the most important step. The billing period will capture the invoices and charges that are included in the statement and affects the Last Balance, Current Balance and Current Total fields that make up the amount the customer will be billed. 2. Last Balance: Includes any charges owed PRIOR to the billing period that has been defined. In the case below, Bruce Wayne has $332.09 that he incurred prior to the 04/01/2019 billing period start date that has been defined. These charges will appear under Previous Balance on the customer’s statement. 3. Current Balance: Includes any charges owed WITHIN the billing period that has been defined. In the case below, Bruce Wayne has incurred $110.90 at some point between the 04/01/2019 thru 04/30/2019 billing period that has been defined. These charges will appear under Current Balance on the customer’s statement and all the invoices falling into the current balance will be detailed so the customer can review the charges. 4. Current Total: Total of all charges incurred PRIOR to and WITHIN the billing period that has been defined. In the case below, Bruce Wayne incurred $332.09 PRIOR to the 04/01/2019 billing start date and has also incurred $110.90 during the billing period (04/01/2019 thru 04/30/2019). So, his Current Total is $442.99 which is the sum of his Last Balance and his Current Balance. The Current Total will appear as the Total Amount Due on the customer’s statement. - Select customers to Bill. By checking the names of the customers, they will be selected to be billed and their statements will be generated. It is our recommendation to not batch bill more than 15 customers at a time. We have seen that with numbers larger than this, users begin to make mistakes and once they are made they are not easy to correct. From this module, you will be marking numerous invoices as paid with the touch of a button. Proceed carefully. If you are new to this module, begin with 5 or 10 customers at a time until you are confident in your actions. In the example below, we have selected 3 customers to be billed. - Viewing Statements. To view the statements belonging to the selected customers, click on the Statement tab. Note that if you do not select customers, you will not see statements. 1. Statements will be generated for all the selected customers. They will be generated on the same screen one after the other. From the Statement page, several actions can be taken: 2. Email: Email an individual statement. This is done by clicking the email button INSIDE the statement. 3. Export CSV: Export an individual statement to a CSV file. This is done by clicking the Export CSV button INSIDE the statement. 4. Email All Statements: For the customers, you have generated statements, you can email all the statements at one time by pressing the Email All Statements button. 5. Print: For the customers, whom you have generated statements, you can print all the statements at one time by pressing the Print button. 6. Charge Credit Card: This is the last action you will take on this screen. Once you have reviewed the statements and the charges and emailed or printed them, you can charge all the selected customers at one time by pressing the Charge Credit Card button. In order to do this, you must be integrated with a payment processor so that Enlite may perform this action. Once the button is pressed the customers’ credit cards will be charged for their corresponding amounts and update all the invoices to reflect the payment that was made. It is important that you print or email your statements PRIOR to pressing this button because balances will be recalculated after the payment has been processed. 7 . Reviewing Batch Credit Card Transactions. From the Log section, you can see the result of every credit card transaction that was processed. Again, in order for this to work your payment provider must be integrated with Enlite. On this screen, you can see the amounts that were billed, the date and time and the Result. Depending on your payment provider, if the transaction failed, you will receive a descriptive error message, such as credit card expired, so that you may contact your customer with the reason the charge failed. This varies by the payment processor. 8 . By clicking on an ID, you can see more information relating to the amount that was billed, including the invoices that make up the amount and a transaction number that corresponds with the payment processor in case the payment needs to be individually identified. Again, in order for this to work your payment provider must be integrated with Enlite. 9 . One more place where you can check the results of your batch credit card billing is in the Reports section. The Log section is useful to check one user quickly, but to see the results if you’ve batch billed 100+ customers, it’s easier to do so in the Reports section. You can access this in the Back Office (Pic 8.1). Under the Report Type: 5. Payments, there are 3 key reports (Pic 8.2) A. Audit Billing – Shows summary results for every billing payment entered for a specified period B. Audit Billing Details – Shows detailed payment results for every billing payment entered for a specified period C. Audit Billing Errors – Shows Billing transactions that resulted in an error The Audit Billing Errors report is particularly useful because it will list all the customers whose credit cards returned an error (Pic 8.3). Depending on your payment processor, the error may be shown in the results, for example, credit card expired, credit card overdrawn, credit card stolen, etc. Not all payment processors return a user-friendly error. But at the very least, this report will show every customer that needs to be contacted because their credit card was declined. Pic 8.1 Pic 8.2 Pic 8.3

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

How to Add Customers to Billing

Customers in the Billing module are meant to be billed at time intervals that extend beyond each visit, such as, weekly or monthly. To add a customer to the Billing module, follow the following steps. 1. In the customer profile, under the Details tab, click on the Billing checkbox. In this case, we are adding customer Slade Wilson for Billing. The Billing checkbox is required to have the customer appear in the Billing module. 2. From this tab you can also designate a customer as a Charge customer, meaning you have their credit card on file. Selecting this checkbox will not change anything regarding the billing process. It will only add an indicator to that customer record in the billing module to remind you that it is a charge customer. This is optional. 3. On the Billing Information tab, you can add additional information. Again, none of this information affects the Billing process of the system, these are just details to help you work with your customers. All of these are optional. 1. Statement allows you to set the statement preference for your customer 2. Billing Cycle allows you to set the date your customer will be billed 3. Billing Term allows you to set the payment terms for your customer When you are ready, click the Save button to commit your changes. - Next, navigate to the Billing Module in the Back Office. - On the Billing Module, note that the customer we were adding (Slade Wilson) still does not appear among the list of customers. This is done intentionally, to prevent inactive customers from appearing in the Billing module. A customer will only appear once they have an open invoice. After that, they will remain in the Billing module. - Once an invoice is added for the customer, simply adjust the date filters to include the invoice and the customer will appear on the list. See below, Slade Wilson has been added to the list. Note the blue checkmark under email. - This is how it will appear when the Email Statement preference is selected. If we had selected this to be a Charge Customer, a blue check mark would appear under the CC column. If the customer appears is assigned to a route, a blue check mark will appear in the RT column. - To the right of the Email column, we can see the Billing Cycle date we selected for this customer. Again, none of those indicators affect the Billing process of the system, they are there so that you can filter and work with your customer more easily. But nothing will prevent you from Billing this customer on the 5th even if he is marked for the 1st.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

How to Create Master and Subaccounts

Master accounts can have subaccounts that roll up to them for the purposes of Billing. For example, if you have a hotel, you can create the hotel as a master account and have all of the hotel's customers, or the room numbers be subaccounts underneath the hotel. At the time the billing statement is created, the hotel will receive one statement that includes all the charges incurred by its subaccounts. The charges will be detailed by subaccount. Note that you should only use Master Accounts when the subaccounts will not be paying for their own items. The system will not allow subaccounts to make payments, all payments must be made by the Master Account. - Here we see a regular customer, that will serve as our Master Account. In this case, the company is Avengers, Inc. - On the Billing Information tab, we can see the customer is set as a Master Account. All accounts you create will be set to master accounts by default. If you do not see the Master Account field, your system needs additional configuration. Contact [email protected] and request that you need the Master Account module enabled. - Now we will take this customer, Tony Stark and make him a subaccount beneath the Avengers Inc. master account. - On the Billing Information tab, we need to set to Master Account? To “No”. Immediately, you’ll see a text field appear that says Select the Master Account to the right of the Is Master Account? Field. - In the select the Master Account field, you can search for customers and select the one you wish to be the Master Account. In this case, we search for Avengers Inc. and select it. Once that is set, hit the Save button to commit the change. Now Tony Stark is a subaccount of the master account Avengers Inc. - This has several implications. First, if a subaccount tries to go to the payment screen, they will be unable to make payments. Only master accounts can make payments. You will see a notification to this effect. So if a customer is going to be making payments for their own items, they should NOT be a subaccount. - Only your master account, in this case, Avengers Inc, needs to be marked for Billing. If you do not know how to do this, please review the Adding Customers to Billing knowledge base article. All the subaccounts underneath the master account will appear. In the example below, we can see that Tony Starks, who we just added is listed in the Avengers Inc. statement. We can also see another subaccount belonging to Pepper Potts. Finally, there is an invoice for Avengers Inc. This is an order that was placed directly by the master account, the system allows for this. Finally, each subaccount can have its own pricing schedule. For example, if you do a hotel and hotel staff gets a 20% discount, you can create a hotel staff pricing schedule and assign them to it while other subaccounts use the regular pricing or a third pricing schedule.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

How to Refund a Customer's Card through Auth.Net

Most of our customers ask, how they can do a refund back to the card, especially If it is an accidental charge. Before and after doing a refund there are also things that we have to consider or that we have to do: BEFORE: Check the payment method used by the customer. Is it through the terminal or the gateway? (PAX S300 terminals don't process refunds, for example, and it needs to be done from the payment processor's web portal- or virtual terminal) AFTER: Make sure that you void the payment in Enlite. For this, go to the Payment History or Batch Payment section in the Back Office section of Enlite. STEPS TO DO A REFUND VIA AUTH.NET PORTAL: - Log in to the merchant interface. - Click on Reports then Transaction detail. Under transaction detail make sure to choose, item type as Settled transactions, specify the date then click on Run Report. - After clicking run report it will route you to a page with different transactions, just simply choose the transaction that you would like to do a refund then click refund as shown on the screenshot below. - Lastly, you can now enter the desired amount of the refund for the customer then hit OK. It can be the full amount or a partial refund. And if you would like to search via transaction id, then you can simply go to auth.net portal and instead of clicking Reports we need to click TRANSACTION SEARCH and it will route us to this page. Simply search via transaction id and it will still route you to step 3 and 4 to process the refund. Ready! Please confirm with your customer that the payment has been refunded. If you have questions about refunds with any other payment processor, please reach out to our Support Team. We'll be glad to assist you.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024